Workout with Me Each Morning


Monday to Friday 5:45 am – 6:30 am EST
Saturday to Sunday 7:30 am EST
Recorded Workouts are Emailed!

All it takes are small changes to your lifestyle and mindset to achieve incredible results!

I’m a personal trainer and wellness coach but this is a journey which started with my own unbelievable weight loss transformation. I’m now in the best shape of my life and I can’t wait to share my secrets with you!

Wake Up and Workout With Me!

Start Your Fitness Journey with Leah

No Extreme Workouts

There won't be hours of workouts, there is NO cardio or lifting weights either! Just simple but effective isometric exercises, balance, core and strength training.

No Crazy Diet Plans

I won't be setting you a restrictive diet plan during the challenge, just making simple changes to the way you approach food, how you prepare it and when you eat it. There is no starving yourself or massive cuts to your calories but eating REAL, whole, organic food.

No Diet Pills or Shakes

This isn't a fad! I'm going to teach you how to change your lifestyle, outlook and relationship with food and exercise. Until you make this change, you will always be chasing the latest diet plan and still failing to lose weight and keep it off.

No Extreme Workouts

There won't be hours of workouts, there is NO cardio or lifting weights either! Just simple but effective isometric exercises, balance, core and strength training.

No Crazy Diet Plans

I won't be setting you a restrictive diet plan during the challenge, just making simple changes to the way you approach food, how you prepare it and when you eat it. There is no starving yourself or massive cuts to your calories but eating REAL, whole, organic food.

No Diet Pills or Shakes

This isn't a fad! I'm going to teach you how to change your lifestyle, outlook and relationship with food and exercise. Until you make this change, you will always be chasing the latest diet plan and still failing to lose weight and keep it off.

Join Me on this Journey


Vanessa came to me already close to goal struggling to lose the few pounds and inches and looking to take it to the next level. She want to hit goal, feel stronger and leaner and that is where she is heading now. She learned to eat cleaner, modifying food choices and plant based. We train 3 days a week at my gym in Smithtown NY.


Lori came to me almost a year ago, losing over 40lbs so far and taking it at her pace with my guidance. I am her accountability & success coach and her personal trainer. We work one on on via text to clean her meals, we work on integrating intermittent fasting and resistance training into her day and week and other self care activities such as meditation and stretching daily


Bess came to me from weight watchers, stuck at a weight…. we cleaned up her food choices, eats more organic, less GMO, chemical and fillers. She learned how to intermittent fast and trains with me 3 days a week learning resistance and isometric workouts. Low Impact High Intensity. She recently is exploring a modified plant based lifestyle and is near goal.